- You shall take your examinations where you stay or next to where you stay.
- Venue shall be Assemblies of God church not far from where you stay.
- Qualified Invigilators, aproved by the College, shall help you seat for your exams.
- All fees due must be paid before the learner can be entered for any examination or awarded any qualification.
- All students are expected to pay their school fees as required by the College’s demarcation of payments periods
- No student is allowed to seat for the final examination with an unredeemed school fee bill. All debts must be settled before a student seat for the final examination
- It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that his or her sponsor is paying the school fees on time.
- .Exam’s enrolment for a course will be refused where there are fees relating to previous enrolments outstanding
- Ensure that all fields on this card are “truly” complete
- This card "MUST" be completed and submitted two weeks before classes begin
- Confirmation of enrolment shall be sent to the student’s email address as appears on this car
- Should you stay 40km away from Gaborone, you seat for your exams at ABC main campus
- Should there be any reasons the student will not be able to write the exam, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the College “Two Weeks” before the exam’s set date, except on reasons beyond your control. n.Should a student miss the exam, he or she will wait for the next academic year when that course is offered.