
    • The college is offering a Diploma in Biblical Theology and Ministry.

    • The College’s residency programme(s) provide education and training in preparation for professional practice at an advanced level of competency in the fields of Bible, Ministry, Missions, Theology, and General Education.

  • Exit-level Outcomes vs Stipulated NCQF Standards
    Advanced knowledge of a field of work or study involving understanding of theories and principles.

      • Demonstrate the ability to do basic bible interpretation in specific contexts.

      • Describe theologies in relation to their respective cultural, economic, social and political contexts.

      • Address church and community problems by using creative contextual approaches to ministry.

      • Describe theological theories, experiences.

        • Express theological insights creatively in their first language and in terms of their culture and worldview.

        • Use a range of source materials (books, television, case studies) to gather information.

        • Demonstrate awareness of the role of cultural differences in biblical interpretation.

Applies advanced skills and demonstrates mastery of and innovation required to identify and solve complex and unpredictable problems in a specialized field of work or study.

    • Show evidence of playing a moral and constructive role in a faith community and the community at large.

    • Demonstrate evidence of the ability to communicate effectively in a community.

    • Reveal sensitivity and maturity in responding to ethical challenges.

    • Formulate concrete and creative responses to community problem.

    • Demonstrate the relatedness between problems of a particular faith community and larger communities.

Demonstrate ability to select and apply technical processes and assume responsibility for design and/or management of processes within defined area(s) of expertise, including accountability for personal and group outcomes.

    • Engage with living communities as well as with academic course material.

    • Show commitment to the well-being of society by developing well-informed ethical stances on community issues.

    • Play a responsible and constructive role in a faith community.

    • Demonstrate tolerance of diversity and the opinions of others.

    • Cooperate with people of other churches, theologies and religions.

    • Become involved accountably in a Christian community with a view to employment as a church or community worker.

    • Develop the skills of social analysis, interpersonal sensitivity, imaginative intelligence, emotional maturity, and community involvement, which will be a great help in finding or creating employment within or outside church circles.